On Job Support

Remote or Off-site development happen to be another increasing trend in information technology. We are equipped to setup a client at remote location. Our state-of-the art development makes it possible for off-shore or remote client to interact with us with feeling of being located remotely and thus achieve the goals. It took us no time to conclude that more than 70% of ERP and 100% of any other type of business application are best fit for off-site implementation. From project initiation to closure and then till ongoing support we have proved a experienced team our self.



Benefits of Remote Development

  • Cost saving up-to 45%
  • Doesn’t require any capital expenditures
  • Availability of a broad range of skills as resources are not region specific.
  • Access to in-house technical resources
  • Rapid deployment of contract resources to meet the peaks and valleys of the project workload – less need for client resource smoothing
  • Less day-to-day client management than required than for n in-house projects
  • Contractually enforceable commitment to results